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st: dialogue box don't do anything?

From   "Solorzano Mosquera, Jenniffer" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: dialogue box don't do anything?
Date   Wed, 18 Mar 2009 14:36:11 -0400

Hi everyybody, this dialogue box open correctly but nothing happen with I click on "aceptar" button? How can I know what is the problem?

POSITION . . 500 800
DIALOG main, label("republicadominicana") tabtitle("Variables")

GROUPBOX variables   5  68  520  200, label("Escenarios, grupos de ninos, alcance")
    TEXT lab1        20  +25 610  10, label("Escenario (SIUBEN 1, 2 ó 1y2")
    EDIT escenario   190 @   60   20, label(escenario)      
    TEXT lab3        20  +25 790 10, label("Alcance (%)")
    EDIT alcance     190 @   60   20, label(alcance)      
    TEXT lab4        20  +25 880  10, label("Ninos edad minima (anos) - Educación")
    EDIT edadmin     190 @   60   20, label(edadmin)     
    TEXT lab5        20  +25 880  10, label("Ninos edad máxima (anos) - Educación")
    EDIT edadmax     190 @   60   20, label(edadmax)  
    TEXT lab6      20  +25 970   10, label("Edad maxima del mas joven - Nutrición")
    EDIT edadmaxnut  190 @   60   20, label(edadmaxnut)  
GROUPBOX optimas     5  240  520  200, label("Brecha de pobreza")     
    TEXT lab7        20  +25 1060  10, label("Factor (>=1)")
    EDIT factor      190 @   60   20, label(factor)     
GROUPBOX Transfer    5  320  350 230, label("Transferencias en $RD (hasta dos opciones)")
    TEXT lab8        20  +25 1150 10, label("Opcion 1: Salud / Educacion")
    EDIT transfa1    190 @   60   20, label(transfa1)  
    EDIT transfe1    280 @   60   20, label(transfe1)  
    TEXT lab9        20  +25 1240 10, label("Opción 2: Salud / Educacion")
    EDIT transfa2    190 @   60   20, label(transfa2)  
    EDIT transfe2    280 @   60   20, label(transfe2)  
    TEXT lab10        20  +25 1330 10, label("Opción 2: a grado 0 y 1")
    EDIT transfe20   190 @   60   20, label(transfe20)  
    EDIT transfe21   280 @   60   20, label(transfe21)  
    TEXT lab11        20  +25 1420 10, label("Opción 2: a grado 2 y 3")
    EDIT transfe22   190 @   60   20, label(transfe22)  
    EDIT transfe23   280 @   60   20, label(transfe23)  
    TEXT lab12        20  +25 1510 10, label("Opción 2: a grado 4 y 5")
    EDIT transfe24   190 @   60   20, label(transfe24)  
    EDIT transfe25   280 @   60   20, label(transfe25)  
    TEXT lab13        20  +25 1600 10, label("Opción 2: a grado 6 y 7")
    EDIT transfe26   190 @   60   20, label(transfe26)
    EDIT transfe27   280 @   60   20, label(transfe27)
    TEXT lab14        20  +25 1690 10, label("Opción 2: a grado 7 y 8")
    EDIT transfa28    190 @   60   20, label(transfe28)  
    EDIT transfe29    280 @   60   20, label(transfe29)  
    TEXT lab15        20  +25 1780 10, label("Opción 2: a grado 9 y 10")
    EDIT transfe30   190 @   60   20, label(transfe30)  
    EDIT transfe31   280 @   60   20, label(transfe31)  
    TEXT lab16        20  +25 1870 10, label("Opción 2: a grado 11 y 12")
    EDIT transfe32   190 @   60   20, label(transfe32)  
    EDIT transfe33   280 @   60   20, label(transfe33)   
    TEXT lab17       20  +25 1960 10, label("Opción 2: máxima por hogar")
    EDIT maxxhog     190 @   60   20, label(maxxhog) 
    TEXT lab18       20  +25 2050 10, label("Opción 2: tipo de sobreedad")
    EDIT calc        190 @   60   20, label(calc) 
    TEXT lab19       20  +25 2140 10, label("Opción 2: máxima sobreedad")
    EDIT maxsobred   190 @   60   20, label(maxsobred) 
GROUPBOX files        5  10  420  45, label("Ubicación de archivo")
        TEXT files1  20  +15  180 10, label("Archivo *.dta")
        FILE path1    90 @   320  20, label(Buscar) default("")

OK ok1,      label("Aceptar")
CANCEL can1, label("Cancelar")
PROGRAM command
    put "republicadominicana"  
            put " escenario("main.escenario
            put ")  " 
    	     put " alcance("main.alcance
            put ")  " 
    	     put " edadmin("main.edadmin
            put ")  " 
            put " edadmax("main.edadmax
            put ")  "
            put " edadmaxnut("main.edadmaxnut
            put ")  " 
            put " factor("main.factor
            put ")  "  
            put " transfa1("main.transfa1
            put ")  "  
            put " transfe1("main.transfe1
            put ")  " 
   	     put " transfa2("main.transfa2
            put ")  " 
            put " transfe2("main.transfe2
            put ")  " 
   	     put " transfe20("main.transfe20
            put ")  " 
   	     put " transfe21("main.transfe21
            put ")  " 
   	     put " transfe22("main.transfe22
            put ")  " 
   	     put " transfe23("main.transfe23
            put ")  " 
   	     put " transfe24("main.transfe24
            put ")  " 
   	     put " transfe25("main.transfe25
            put ")  " 
   	     put " transfe26("main.transfe26
            put ")  " 
   	     put " transfe27("main.transfe27
            put ")  " 
   	     put " transfe28("main.transfe28
            put ")  " 
   	     put " transfe29("main.transfe29
            put ")  " 
   	     put " transfe30("main.transfe30
            put ")  " 
   	     put " transfe31("main.transfe31
            put ")  " 
   	     put " transfe32("main.transfe32
            put ")  " 
   	     put " transfe33("main.transfe33
            put ")  " 
   	     put " maxxhog("main.maxxhog
            put ")  " 
   	     put " calc("main.calc
            put ")  "  
   	     put " maxsobred("main.maxsobred
            put ")  "  
   	     put " path1("main.path1
	     put ")  "      

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Austin Nichols
Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 1:17 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: st: no STATA answer: should I wait or is it a bug?

Isabelle <[email protected]> :
I have tried to estimate -clogit- and -xtlogit- models that still had not completed the first iteration after 30 days (at which point I gave up).  Sometimes these models are just too big.  Here is a method (using -stcox- to do -clogit-) that may enable you to get -clogit- estimates faster in big datasets (the method is based on an email from Bobby Gutierrez of Statacorp), but I think the faster Breslow method only works if you have one positive outcome within group (in your email the depvar name "choice" suggests one positive outcome per group, but the output you show indicates multiple positive outcomes per group), for evidence of which see the third example below:

set rmsg on
webuse lowbirth, clear
clogit low lwt smoke ptd, group(pairid)
est sto clogit
gen enter = pairid - 0.5
gen exit  = pairid + 0.5
stset pairid low, enter(time enter) exit(time exit) stcox lwt smoke ptd, nohr exactp est sto exactp stcox lwt smoke ptd, nohr est sto breslow mat b=e(b) clogit low lwt smoke ptd, group(pairid) from(b) est sto clogit est table *, se eq(1)

est clear
webuse choice, clear
asclogit choice dealer, casevars(income sex) case(id) alternatives(car) est sto asclogit gen Japan_income=(car==2)*income gen Japan_sex=(car==2)*sex gen Japan_cons=(car==2) gen Europe_income=(car==3)*income gen Europe_sex=(car==3)*sex gen Europe_cons=(car==3) clogit choice dealer J* E*, group(id) gen enter = id - 0.5 gen exit  = id + 0.5 stset id choice, enter(time enter) exit(time exit) stcox dealer J* E*, nohr exactp est sto exactp stcox dealer J* E*, nohr est sto breslow mat b=e(b) clogit choice dealer J* E*, group(id) from(b) est sto clogit est table *, se eq(1)

est clear
webuse union, clear
gen enter = idcode - 0.5
gen exit = idcode + 0.5
stset idcode union, enter(time enter) exit(time exit) clogit union age grade not_smsa, group(idcode) est sto clogit egen u=mean(union), by(idcode) stcox age grade not_smsa if u!=1 & u!=0, nohr exactp est sto exactp stcox age grade not_smsa if u!=1 & u!=0, nohr est sto breslow est table *, se eq(1)

How many groups (distinct values of siren) do you have?  Can you run a logit with dummies for each group? For consistency of this estimator, the number of country choices has to increase with the number of groups held constant, which may seem unrealistic, depending on your data... but if you have 1000 groups and 150 countries, 150 may be close enough to infinity to use the output of the -logit- with confidence.  If you have 2600 groups and 59 countries, you might be less comfortable. In any case, you should also specify cluster(siren).

What are these data?  Firms investing in countries?

On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 7:32 AM,  <[email protected]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a big dataset of 149954 observations and roughly 40 var. I ran 
> a conditional logit and I think my dataset and my command are ok. The 
> answer of STATA is this one:
> ******
> . clogit choice pays lntax lnGDP, group(siren)
> note: multiple positive outcomes within groups encountered.
> note: 3 groups (177 obs) dropped because of all positive or
>      all negative outcomes.
> ********
> (in black or green), and I don't have anything else after 15 minutes. 
> Is it a bug if Stata because of too little memory or should I wait and see?
> Thank you very much for help,
> Isabelle

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