Anita Sayal wrote:
Would someone Please tell me what commands arto ae used to align the data for
Var2 with corresponding Reporter Partner combination in Column 1 and 2 for
corresponding years.. trying to do thiis for a large data set..TX
Reporter Partner Year Var1 Reporter Partner Year Var2
A B 1985 10 A D 1986 .4
A C 1986 12 C A 1989 .3
A D 1986 14
B A 1985 15
B C 1985 18
C A 1989 20
-merge- is what I think you're looking for. Try the do-file below, and see
whether it gives you the kind of data alignment that you want.
Joseph Coveney
clear *
set more off
input str1 Reporter str1 Partner int Year byte Var1
"A" "B" 1985 10
"A" "C" 1986 12
"A" "D" 1986 14
"B" "A" 1985 15
"B" "C" 1985 18
"C" "A" 1989 20
tempfile tmpfil0
save `tmpfil0'
input str1 Reporter str1 Partner int Year float Var2
"A" "D" 1986 .4
"C" "A" 1989 .3
merge Reporter Partner Year using `tmpfil0', sort
list Reporter Partner Year Var1 Var2, noobs sepby(_merge)
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