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Re: st: RE: Return r(111) this time

From   Eva Poen <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE: Return r(111) this time
Date   Mon, 16 Mar 2009 08:45:01 +0000

Almost there. Lose the quotes, and call your program directly.

nlsurwellbehav copy_lnc copy_sl copy_sk copy_sm lnpl lnpk lnpm lnpe
lnq t d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6, at (a)


2009/3/15  <[email protected]>:
> Thank you Eva for not giving me up. I typed
> matrix a = J(1,62,0)
> gen copy_lnc = lnc
> gen copy_sl = sl
> gen copy_sm = sm
> gen copy_se = se
> set trace on
> nlsur wellbehav "copy_lnc copy_sl copy_sk copy_sm' "lnpl lnpk lnpm lnpe lnq
> t d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6", at (a)
> Is it right? Here's the return:
>  ------------------------------------------------------------- end
> _on_colon_parse ---
>  - local ZERO `"`s(before)'"'
>  = local ZERO `"nlsur, jkopts(eclass) noeqlist"'
>  - local 0 `"`s(after)'"'
>  = local 0 `" wellbehav "copy_lnc copy_sl copy_sk copy_sm' "lnpl lnpk lnpm
> lnpe lnq t d1
>>  d2 d3 d4 d5 d6", at (a)"'
>  - quietly syntax [anything(equalok)] [if] [in] [fw aw pw iw] [, VCE(string
> asis) VCE1(s
>> tring asis) * ]
> invalid something: quotes do not match
>  ----------------------------------------------------------------- end
> _vce_parserun ---
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> end nlsur ---
> r(198);
> Quoting Eva Poen <[email protected]>:
>> Jingjing,
>> As Nick pointed out, you know the names of your own variables. We
>> don't. So, when I said "right hand side variables" I meant the list of
>> right hand side variables in your equations, in the order that your
>> program needs them. Your program reads something like
>> args lnc sl sk sm lnpl lnpk lnpm lnpe lnq t d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6
>> , and only you know what these names stand for. All we know is that
>> the first four are left hand side variables, and the rest are right
>> hand side variables in your equations.
>> So, besides
>> matrix a = J(1,62,0)
>> you need to create copies of your left hand side variables, which  you can
>> do by
>> gen copy_var1 = var1
>> assuming that var1 is the name of your variable. Do this for all your
>> left hand side variables, and then call your program with the list of
>> all 16 variables that you need for your equations, in the order
>> lnc sl sk sm lnpl lnpk lnpm lnpe lnq t d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6
>> because this is what your program asks for. Just make sure that,
>> instead of providing the names of your left hand side variables, you
>> provide the names of their _copies_.  -set trace on- and see what
>> happens.
>> As a general remark, you might find it useful to attend a NetCourse by
>> Statacorp, especially NC151.
>> Eva
>> 2009/3/15  <[email protected]>:
>>> Sorry but could you take a example?
>>> Quoting Nick Cox <[email protected]>:
>>>> Eva's text was not meant to be taken literally!
>>>> Your own syntax commits you to supplying 16 variable names and the  name
>>>> of a matrix in an option.
>>>> Nick
>>>> [email protected]
>>>> [email protected]
>>>> Here's the return:
>>>> . matrix a = J(1,62,0)
>>>> . set trace on
>>>> .
>>>> . nlsurwellbehav "copies of dep. variables" "right hand side
>>>> variables" , at(a)
>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------- begin
>>>> nlsurwellbehav ---
>>>> - version 10.1
>>>> - syntax varlist(min=16 max=16) [if], at(name)
>>>> time-series operators not allowed
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------ end
>>>> nlsurwellbehav ---
>>>> r(101);
>>>> Quoting Eva Poen <[email protected]>:
>>>>> I'm not sure I understand you here. Are you referring to the line
>>>>>> replace `lnc' = 5+`aq'*`lnq' ...
>>>>> where there is a hard coded 5 (not a starting value! This is a set
>>>>> value.), and did you replace this value of 5 by another parameter,
>>>>> e.g. `a0'? In terms of the program, that is not a problem as long as
>>>>> you adjust your code. It would be easiest if you put this parameter
>>>>> last, since this saves you the pain of changing all your `at'[1,x]
>>>>> statements to `at'[1,x+1]. Therefore, my suggestion would be to code
>>>>>       scalar `dmm'=`at'[1,61]
>>>>>       tempname a0
>>>>>       scalar `a0'    =`at'[1,62]
>>>>>       quietly {
>>>>>          replace `lnc' = `a0'+ ....
>>>>>       }
>>>>> Now, for the debugging, just follow my suggestions earlier, and invoke
>>>>> your program directly. You need to create a matrix of initial values,
>>>>> e.g. zeros for all coefficients. If you have 62 parameters, you do
>>>>> matrix a = J(1,62,0)
>>>>> which gives you a row vector of 62 zeros. Next create copies of all
>>>>> your dependent variables, and invoke your program:
>>>>> set trace on
>>>>> nlsurwellbehav "copies of dep. variables" "right hand side  variables"
>>>>> ,
>>>>> at(a)
>>>>> and see where the problem lies.

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