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Re: st: do-file on dataset not currently used by Stata

From   Jeph Herrin <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: do-file on dataset not currently used by Stata
Date   Sun, 15 Mar 2009 19:19:13 -0400

If I understand correctly, you want -preserve- and -restore-.

postkarte wrote:
Dear statalist,

Is it possible to execute a do-file or several commands on another
dataset than Stata is currently using?

I came across this problem when working with two datasets (auxiliary
and main), where the auxiliary serves to create variables at several
levels of aggregation and then transfers the variables into separate
files, that are subsequently matched on a one-to-many basis with the
main dataset. Instead of running the auxiliary and its resulting
datasets in several windows and then switching to the main dataset for
the merge commands, it would be very nice if the auxiliary dataset
commands could be controlloed from the main dataset window, as a sort
of "meta"-Stata. This is no problem in SAS, but I could not figure out
if this can also be done in Stata?

Many thanks for your suggestions,

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