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Re: st: Re: reshape/collapse question (alas, again)
Have you tried http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/data/reshape3.html ?
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Sun, 15 Mar 2009 10:37:28 -0400
> Von: "Eric Uslaner" <[email protected]>
> An: [email protected]
> Betreff: st: Re: reshape/collapse question (alas, again)
> I sent this post to the list and got a nice reply from Howie Lempel. Here
> is the post and the reply and the persistent problem that I do not
> understand:
> >>> Eric Uslaner wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a somewhat complex merge/collapse question that I could not find
> the answer to in the manuals or with help.
> I have two data sets. One is the main data set with data on metropolitan
> areas (SMSAs) sorted by SMSA.
> The second data set is religious membership and attendance by denomination
> (denomcode and denomname) and by a coding I have used for the orientation
> of each denomination. This latter data set contains:
> Contains data from rcmsmetroupdate.dta
> obs: 15,132
> vars: 20 13 Mar 2009 17:53
> size: 1,225,692 (99.8% of memory free)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> storage display value
> variable name type format label variable label
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> metropop2000 long %12.0g
> denomabbrev str15 %15s
> congregations int %8.0g
> members long %12.0g
> adherents long %12.0g
> attendees long %12.0g
> adherentpct float %9.0g
> attendeepct float %9.0g
> metrocode int %10.0g
> metroshortname str17 %17s
> denomcode int %10.0g
> orientation str4 %9s
> catholic byte %8.0g
> eastern byte %8.0g
> cnt byte %8.0g
> evangelical byte %8.0g
> jewish byte %8.0g
> mainline byte %8.0g
> orthodox byte %8.0g
> orientation1 long %8.0g orientation1
> There are several hundred denominations but I don't care about the
> denominations per se, just the orientations (Catholic, Eastern, CNT--conservative
> non-traditional, evangelical, Jewish, Mainline, Orthodox) which are in the
> string variable orientation and the decoded numericl variable orientation1.
> The data are arrayed with one observation for each denomination for each
> metropolitan area (e.g., Catholics in Amarillo would be one observation,
> LDS in Chicago another, etc.). What I want to do is to sum congregations
> through attendeepct for each orientation by metropolitan area, so that one
> record would be the number of congregations, members, adherents, etc. for
> Catholics in Chicago (e.g.), the number of congregations etc. for followers of
> Eastern religions, ..., the number of congregations... for Orthodox
> followers in Chicago). There should be one observation per city (here
> metrocode--which I will rename smsa before merging with the master data set).
> First I tried reshape:
> . reshape wide metropop metroshortname denomabbrev denomcode
> congregations members adherents attendees adherentpct attendeepct eastern-orthodox
> orientation ,i(metrocode) j(orientation1)
> and got:
> (note: j = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)
> orientation1 not unique within metrocode;
> there are multiple observations at the same orientation1 within metrocode.
> Type "reshape error" for a listing of the problem observations.
> Then I tried:
> reshape wide metropop denomcode congregations members adherents attendees
> adherentpct attendeepct eastern-orthodox metrocode,i(orientation)
> j(metroshortname)
> > string
> and got:
> (note: j = Abilene Akron Albany GA Albany NY Albuquerque Alexandria
> Allentown Altoona Amarillo Anchorage Ann Arbor Anniston Appleton Asheville Athens
> Atlanta At
> > lantic Auburn AL Augusta Austin Bakersfield Baltimore Bangor Barnstable
> Baton Rouge Beaumont Bellingham Benton Harbor Bergen Billings Biloxi
> Binghamton Birmin
> > gham Bismarck Bloomington IL Bloomington IN Boise City Boston Boulder
> Brazoria Bremerton Brownsville Bryan Buffalo Burlington VT Canton Casper
> Cedar Rapids Ch
> > ampaign Charleston SC Charleston WV Charlotte Charlottesville
> Chattanooga Cheyenne Chicago Chico Cincinnati Clarksville Cleveland Colorado Springs
> Columbia MO
> > Columbia SC Columbus GA Columbus OH Corpus Christi Corvallis Cumberland
> Dallas Danville Davenport Dayton Daytona Beach Decatur AL Decatur IL
> Denver Des Moine
> > s Detroit Dothan Dover DE Dubuque Duluth Eau Claire El Paso Elkhart
> Elmira Enid Erie Eugene Evansville Fargo Fayetteville AR Fayetteville NC
> Flagstaff Flint F
> > lorence AL Florence SC Fort Collins Fort Lauderdale Fort Myers Fort
> Pierce Fort Smith Fort Walton Beach Fort Wayne Fort Worth Fresno Gadsden
> Gainesville Galve
> > ston Gary Glens Falls Goldsboro Grand Forks Grand Junction Grand Rapids
> Great Falls Greeley Green Bay Greensboro Greenville NC Greenville SC
> Hagerstown Hamilt
> > on Harrisburg Hartford Hattiesburg Hickory Honolulu Houma Houston
> Huntington Huntsville Indianapolis Iowa City Jackson MI Jackson MS Jackson TN
> Jacksonville F
> > L Jacksonville NC Jamestown Janesville Jersey City Johnson City
> Johnstown Jonesboro Joplin Kalamazoo Kankakee Kansas City Kenosha Killeen Knoxville
> Kokomo La
> > Crosse Lafayette IN Lafayette LA Lake Charles Lakeland Lancaster Lansing
> Laredo Las Cruces Las Vegas Lawrence KS Lawton Lewiston Lexington Lima
> Lincoln Little
> > Rock Longview Los Angeles Louisville Lubbock Lynchburg Macon Madison
> Mansfield McAllen Medford Melbourne Memphis Merced Miami Middlesex Milwaukee
> Minneapolis
> > Missoula Mobile Modesto Monmouth Monroe Montgomery Muncie Myrtle Beach
> Naples Nashville Nassau New Haven New London New Orleans New York Newark
> Newburgh Norf
> > olk Oakland Ocala Odessa Oklahoma City Olympia Omaha Orange County
> Orlando Owensboro Panama City Parkersburg Pensacola Peoria Philadelphia Phoenix
> Pine Bluff
> > Pittsburgh Pittsfield Pocatello Portland ME Portland OR Providence Provo
> Pueblo Punta Gorda Racine Raleigh Rapid City Reading Redding Reno Richland
> Richmond R
> > iverside Roanoke Rochester MN Rochester NY Rockford Rocky Mount
> Sacramento Saginaw Salem Salinas Salt Lake City San Angelo San Antonio San Diego
> San Francisco
> > San Jose San Luis Obispo Santa Barbara Santa Cruz Santa Fe Santa Rosa
> Sarasota Savannah Scranton Seattle Sharon Sheboygan Sherman Shreveport Sioux
> City Sioux
> > Falls South Bend Spokane Springfield IL Springfield MA Springfield MO
> St. Cloud St. Joseph St. Louis State College Steubenville Stockton Sumter
> Syracuse Taco
> > ma Tallahassee Tampa Terre Haute Texarkana Toledo Topeka Trenton Tucson
> Tulsa Tuscaloosa Tyler Utica Vallejo Ventura Victoria Vineland Visalia Waco
> Washington
> > Waterloo Wausau West Palm Beach Wheeling Wichita Wichita Falls
> Williamsport Wilmington DE Wilmington NC Yakima Yolo York Youngstown Yuba City
> Yuma)
> metroshortname not unique within orientation;
> there are multiple observations at the same metroshortname within
> orientation.
> Type "reshape error" for a listing of the problem observations.
> I know that I need to reshape the data to collapse (or sum?) the data by
> orientation. Would egen rowsum by (orientation1 metrocode) be the way to
> go? I need to preserve the metrocode otherwise I can't merge these data.
> Here is Howie's response:
> Try something like this:
> collapse (sum) congregations-attendeepct, by(orientation orientation1
> metrocode metroshortname metropop2000)
> reshape wide congregations members adherents attendees adherentpct
> attendeepct, i(metrocode metroshortname metropop2000) j(orientation1)
> The collapse worked fine, but the reshape gave me once more:
> (note: j = . CATH CNT EAST EV JEW ML OR)
> orientation1 not constant within metrocode metroshortname metropop2000
> Is there a solution to this problem? Thanks much.
> Ric
> *
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Martin Weiss
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