In Martin's second last line:
bys id: g byte higher83=`inc83'>`inc80'
The -bys id- does no harm, but is unnecessary.
More importantly, he raises a good question about missings. Here's a
better approach if missings are present:
egen numProp4 = mean(numProp) if wavenum == 4, by(id)
bysort id (numProp4) : replace numProp4 = numProp4[1]
egen numInsArrng6 = mean(numInsArrng) if wavenum == 6, by(id)
bysort id (numInsArrng6) : replace numInsArrng6 = numInsArrng6[1]
gen myindicator = numProp4 < numInsArrng6 if !missing(numProp4,
(Note incidentally that Martin's original code assumes that each year of
interest is represented in each panel, and will give incorrect results
if either year is omitted.)
[email protected]
Martin Weiss
That is a superior solution to mine, and I recommend that Erick should
this one. Here is an adaption to my dataset, checking for an income gain
between 80 and 83:
inp id year sex inc
1 80 0 5000
1 81 0 5500
1 82 0 6000
1 83 0 7000
2 80 1 2000
2 81 1 2200
2 82 1 3300
2 83 1 3500
3 80 0 3000
3 81 0 2000
3 82 0 1000
3 83 0 1000
4 80 0 3000
4 81 0 4000
4 82 0 1000
4 83 0 10000
tempvar inc80 inc83
egen `inc80' = total((year == 80) * inc) , by(id)
egen `inc83' = total((year == 83) * inc) , by(id)
bys id: g byte higher83=`inc83'>`inc80'
l, noo sepby(id)
As always, be advised that missings count as arbitrarily large, so you
to be extra careful and double-check any results...
Nick Cox
Another approach:
I infer panel structure with an identifier, and at most one measurement
for each -wavenum-. If that is so
egen numProp4 = total((wavenum == 4) * numProp) , by(id)
egen numInsArrng6 = total((wavenum == 6) * numInsArrng) , by(id)
spread values in particular wave numbers to all observations with the
same identifier. For example,
wavenum == 4
is 1 if wavenum is 4 and 0 otherwise, so the ensuing total is just the
value of numProp for wavenum == 4.
The required indicator variable follows directly.
Note that even Erick's -if- condition had been correct (it isn't), his
expression for indicator (dummy in his terminology) would have yielded 1
and missing, not 1 and 0.
Martin Weiss
More Income in 1982 than in 1980? Let`s see...
inp id year sex inc
1 80 0 5000
1 81 0 5500
1 82 0 6000
1 83 0 7000
2 80 1 2000
2 81 1 2200
2 82 1 3300
2 83 1 3500
3 80 0 3000
3 81 0 2000
3 82 0 1000
3 83 0 1000
4 80 0 3000
4 81 0 4000
4 82 0 1000
4 83 0 10000
*mark years to compare
tempvar compare
g byte `compare'=year==80 | year==82
*sort them to the end, within id and respecting years, and generate
bys id (`compare' year) : g byte hi82=inc[_N]>inc[_N-1]
sort id year
drop `compare'
*let`s see
l, noo sepby(id)
Erick Guerrero, M.A. (Ph.D. Candidate)
> I am trying to create a dummy
> variable that is equal to 1 when organizations have more
> properties in wave 6 compared to wave 4. My data is in long
> form.
> Logically, it would be something like this, but this does not
> work, I am missing some steps.
> gen HiPropertyw6= 1 if (numProp==wavenum==4 <
> numInsArrng==wavenum==6).
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