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Re: st: Child mortality rates using D

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Child mortality rates using D
Date   Wed, 11 Mar 2009 21:19:56 -0400 (EDT)

[My last posts have not gone through, so I am sending this one from a new
wemail Statalist address. I apologize for the duplication if earlier posts
also appear.--Steve]


Why do your results differ?  Perhaps because you did not duplicate the
definitions or calculations that DHS uses.


To define neonatal mortality, for example, Measure DHS does not use 28
days, but 30 days.  Also it does not use seven day intervals. Instead, it
computes numerator and denominator for the period 0-30 days. It then
subtracts from the denominator 1/2 for each child born <30 days prior to
the five years which precede the survey.  You must define these births as
censored, and use -ltable-, not -stlist-. To allow  children still alive
after 30 days to contribute fully to the denominator, you must have age
intervals after 30 days in your analysis.

Censoring patterns for ages >30 days  are more complicated, as the second
web page shows. Your code might also have excluded some observations
unnecessarily, because while Measure DHS imputes missing values, the
imputed values may not always be exact dates. Perhaps the study code book
will enlighten you.

On the web pages referenced, there is no mention of weighting, but I would
guess that the counts are weighted.

Good luck!


On Mar 9, 2009, at 6:11 AM, Satvika Chalasani wrote:

Hello Statalisters,

I am trying to reproduce the neonatal/infant/under-5 mortality rates shown
in the Demographic and Health Survey reports, particularly for the Indian
surveys. Now DHS does provide SPSS and SAS modules to calculate mortality
rates their way but not a Stata module. I am using sts list to calculate
failure functions, and in two surveys I come close to the published rates
but in one I don't. ltable seems even less accurate. Does anyone have a
routine that they would be willing to share? Or any thoughts?

My code:

gen ageatexit=.
replace ageatexit=(interviewdate-dateofbirth) if childalive==1
replace ageatexit=(dateofdeath-dateofbirth) if childdied==1

stset ageatexit [pw=weight], failure(neonatal) id(caseid) exit(t 28)
stsplit dur, every (7)
gen neonatal_d=0 if _d~=.
replace neonatal_d=1 if _d==1
sts list, failure

Thank you!
Satvika Chalasani

Graduate student
Penn State University
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