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st: SSC activity, February 2009

From   Kit Baum <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: SSC activity, February 2009
Date   Mon, 9 Mar 2009 13:35:04 -0400

Over 139,000 downloads were recorded from the SSC Archive in February, representing the efforts of 282 members of the Stata user community. The list of the last three months' author activity is available, as always, at

The 'ssc hot' command may be used to examine activity for individual packages:

. ssc hot, n(25)

Top 25 packages at SSC

  Rank   # hits    Package       Author(s)
     1   2877.3    mat2txt       Ben Jann, Michael Blasnik
     2   2115.0    outreg2       Roy Wada
     3   1923.3    psmatch2      Edwin Leuven, Barbara Sianesi
     4   1539.1    estout        Ben Jann
     5    888.4    ivreg2        Christopher F Baum, Steven Stillman,
                                   Mark E Schaffer
     6    840.3    outreg        John Luke Gallup
     7    806.2    xtabond2      David Roodman
     8    521.4    gllamm        Sophia Rabe-Hesketh
     9    500.3    xtivreg2      Mark E Schaffer
    10    499.0    ranktest      Frank Kleibergen, Mark E Schaffer
    11    417.3    whitetst      Nicholas J. Cox, Christopher F Baum
    12    414.8    tabout        Ian Watson
    13    316.2    metan         Thomas Steichen, Doug Altman, Jon
Deeks, Roger Harbord, Jonathan Sterne,
                                   Mike Bradburn, Ross Harris
    14    308.3    xml_tab       Michael Lokshin, Zurab Sajaia
    15    301.0    ice           Patrick Royston
    16    300.0    xtfmb         Daniel Hoechle
    17    289.3    byvar         Patrick Royston
18 287.2 mim John B. Carlin, John C. Galati, Patrick
19 286.0 mimstack John B. Carlin, John C. Galati, Patrick
    20    282.3    overid        Vince Wiggins, Christopher F Baum,
                                   Steven Stillman, Mark E Schaffer
    21    281.7    outtex        Antoine Terracol
    22    258.2    hprescott     Christopher F Baum
    23    237.2    oaxaca        Ben Jann
    24    234.3    margeff       Tamas Bartus
    25    234.0    winsor        Nicholas J. Cox

Kit Baum   |   Boston College Economics and DIW Berlin   |
An Introduction to Stata Programming   |
An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata   |

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