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Re: st: Re: Using xml_tab

From   Alan Neustadtl <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Re: Using xml_tab
Date   Mon, 2 Mar 2009 17:25:50 -0500

Thanks for the information.  It is very helpful.


On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 5:10 PM, Zurab Sajaia <[email protected]> wrote:
> Not exactly, you can still use format() option as well as -long- and -wide-
> when outputting matrices.
> As for the significance levels, problem is that when you write "xml_tab A"
> matrix A can be any matrix (say 3 columns and 14 rows) program doesn't know
> what those three columns correspond to, this mode is used to output any
> matrix to xml file. So in this general case xml_tab "won't know" how to
> calculate significance levels.  but it looks for a matrix A_STARS (for the
> main matrix A), and if it exists uses values to assign stars.
> A_STARS would have 4 numbers in it: 0, 1 ,2, or 3. 0 corresponding to no
> stars, 1 to the highest significance level (p<0.01 by default - ***) 2 -
> next level (p<0.05 - **) and 3 to the lowest level (p<0.1 *).
> But this means that user will need to calculate this levels and form the
> matrix A_STARS manually.
> General idea when I was writing this part was that results come from some
> other routine or source in a form of a matrix and xml_tab just outputs it in
> a "similar" way to it's own estimation outputs.
> I guess it can be useful to have option coefonly or something while
> outputting estimation results, so that user's will be able to see
> significance and also other statistics together with betas. I'll post update
> as soon as I have some progress on that.
> Zurab
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Alan Neustadtl"
> <[email protected]>
> To: <[email protected]>
> Sent: Monday, March 02, 2009 4:20 PM
> Subject: Re: st: Re: Using xml_tab
>> Thank you for your examples.  After working through them and returning
>> to the help file it seems that there is a trade-off between writing
>> out stored estimations and matrices.
>> Writing out stored estimations allows significant control over the
>> format and layout of the table but does not allow for things like
>> renaming the rows or dropping the standard errors.
>> Writing out matrices allows control over the row labels but not cell
>> formatting and outputting significance levels (stars) and other
>> statistics (e.g. R2, etc.).
>> Am I understanding the difference between the two methods correctly?
>> Best,
>> Alan
>> On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 3:45 PM, Zurab Sajaia <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> Hi Alan,
>>> To see variable names instead of (default) labels, you can use -nolabel-
>>> option;
>>> -xml_tab- can also output matrices directly, so you can accumulate your
>>> betas into a matrix and then use xml_tab:
>>> (from your example):
>>> ...
>>> regress mpg weight
>>> matrix A = e(b)'
>>> regress mpg weight foreign displacement
>>> matrix B = e(b)'
>>> xml_tab A B, {options}
>>> ...
>>> when exporting a matrix, -xml_tab- reads matrix rownames (and row
>>> equations
>>> if present), so to modify text in the rows you can either form the names
>>> for
>>> your matrix, i.e.
>>> matrix rownames A = "this is row 1" "and row 2" (for the third row
>>> "displacement" will remain as the name)
>>> or use -xml_tab-'s option rnames():
>>> xml_tab A B, rnames("this is row 1" "and row2")
>>> when merging two matrices of different size -xml_tab- puts .z by default
>>> for
>>> the added cells (I guess I'll have to change this default), but if you
>>> want
>>> to use any other text, or blank you can specify -mv- option:
>>> xml_tab A B, mv(.z="(missing)") // replace .z missing values with text
>>> "(missing)"
>>> or
>>> xml_tab A B, mv("") //all the missing values, not only .z will be
>>> replaced
>>> by the empty cells
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> Zurab
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