I didn't spell out that I feared that there are yet other variables in
what might be Ekaterina's _real_ problem, lurking behind her stated
problem, making a more general approach attractive too.
[email protected]
Jeph Herrin
Briefer yet:
gen min=mininc1*500+mininc2*1000+mininc3*1500
which also traps the missings Nick cautions about.
Nick Cox wrote:
A variation on the same idea:
gen min = 500
foreach v in 1000 1500 2000 {
replace min = `v' if mindesinc_`v' == 1
To be careful, check
egen row = rowtotal(mindesinc*)
assert row == 1
[email protected]
Martin Weiss
*reconstruct Ekaterina`s data
input id mindesinc_500_999 mindesinc_1000_1499 mindesinc_1500_1999
101 1 0 0 0
102 0 1 0 0
103 0 0 1 0
104 0 0 1 0
105 0 1 0 0
*construct the minimum desired income
g mindesinc=500 if mindesinc_500_999
replace mindesinc=1000 if mindesinc_1000_1499
replace mindesinc=1500 if mindesinc_1500_1999
Ekaterina Hertog
I am dealing with a dataset from a private company and so my data
comes in rather strange format and I now came against the following
I have a set of individuals who answered questions about desired
It looks as follows:
Individ nmb | Min desired income 500 - 999 | 1000 - 1499 | 1500 -
101 | 0
| 0 | 1 |
102 | 0
| 1 | 1 |
103 | 0
| 0 | 1 |
104 | 1
| 1 | 1 |
105 | 0
| 1 | 1 |
Is there a way to automatically recode these binary minimum desired
income variables into a numerical variable which would state the
acceptable figure for each individual?
That is some routine which would check "Min desired income 500 - 999"
and if it equals 1 then would input 500 for the individual in question
into a newly constructed variable "Minimum acceptable income" and move
on to the next person and if it equals 0 would look at the value of
"1000 - 1499" variable and if it equals 1 would input 1000 for that
person and move on to the next person and if it is 0 would look at
- 2000" variable?
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