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RE: st: problem with perturb

From   KONSTANTARAS KONSTANTINOS <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   RE: st: problem with perturb
Date   Sat, 27 Dec 2008 19:43:45 +0200 (EET)

Sorry, but copy paste did not work previously. Please find below the output of perturb before it stops:

The last few lines of output are:

The reclassification probabilities will be adjusted to let
the expected frequencies of the reclassified variable be equal to those of _Iy

The expected table will be quasi-independent
ln(q)=:         2.944

Adjusted expected table:

original  |
variable  |
_Iyear_20 | reclassifed variable 02 | 1 2 Total
       1 | 1021.559    19.441  1041.000
       2 |   19.441   133.559   153.000
| Total | 1041.000 153.000 1194.000

Final reclassification probabilities:

original  |
variable  |
_Iyear_20 |reclassifed variable
02        |     1      2  Total
       1 | 0.981  0.019  1.000
       2 | 0.127  0.873  1.000
invalid syntax

KONSTANTARAS KONSTANTINOS <[email protected]> wrote:
Dear Statalisters,

Seasons Greetings!

I run into a problem in my attempting to run perturb for a multinomial logit application; apparently the problem must have something to do with the way I have defined the covariate to be perturbed, as from what I have found setting trace on the application produces an Invalid Syntax Error as it tries to read the number of pfactors defined as perturbation variables, namely n_par in the ado file; the traced problem is as follows:

....output ommitted..
- forval k=1/`niter' {
= forval k=1/100 {
- forval k=1/`niter' {
- forval i=1/`n_pvar' {
= forval i=1/ {
invalid syntax
  local pv: word `i' of `pvars'
  local pr: word `i' of `prange'
  `how' replace `pv`i'' = `pv'+`perturb'*`pr'

i.e. it does not recognize the number of factors I have input (1), although it has previously produced the initial classification probabilities, adjusted expected table and final reclassification probabilities having recognized that I am using it as factor –see output below.

The command I am issuing is as follows:

perturb2: mlogit depn defone ldef3 sizmc remc recumz  _Iyear_1998 _Iyear_1999 _Iyear_2000 _Iyear_2001 _Iyear_2002 _Iyear_2003 if year>1997?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Dino Konstantaras
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