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Re: st: not sure about my loop results

From   "Nirina F" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: not sure about my loop results
Date   Sat, 20 Dec 2008 11:45:41 -0500

Thank you very much Gabi for responding,
I tried what you suggested and I get the same results as I had which
are agesib1 till agesib6.

Also I tried to do it by number of brothers and sisters and I know
something is wierd because I get agebrother1 till agebrother5 then
agesiter1 only. This tells me that may be the loop is doing just for
one type of respondent having 5 brothers and 1 sister which means 6
siblings in total.
However this is the tabulate from brother and sister.

. tab sibnum

  number of |
  siblings, |
        not |
  including |
       resp |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
no siblings |         72        1.61        1.61
          1 |        200        4.48        6.09
          2 |        434        9.72       15.82
          3 |        662       14.83       30.65
          4 |        727       16.29       46.93
          5 |        726       16.26       63.19
          6 |        726       16.26       79.46
          7 |        428        9.59       89.05
          8 |        263        5.89       94.94
          9 |        131        2.93       97.87
         10 |         51        1.14       99.01
         11 |         44        0.99      100.00
      Total |      4,464      100.00

. tab brother

  see notes |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
          0 |        468       10.48       10.48
          1 |      1,003       22.47       32.95
          2 |      1,169       26.19       59.14
          3 |        835       18.71       77.84
          4 |        570       12.77       90.61
          5 |        275        6.16       96.77
          6 |         93        2.08       98.86
          7 |         40        0.90       99.75
          8 |          8        0.18       99.93
          9 |          3        0.07      100.00
      Total |      4,464      100.00

. tab sister

  see notes |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
          0 |        471       10.55       10.55
          1 |        943       21.12       31.68
          2 |      1,153       25.83       57.50
          3 |        838       18.77       76.28
          4 |        614       13.75       90.03
          5 |        293        6.56       96.59
          6 |         97        2.17       98.77
          7 |         40        0.90       99.66
          8 |          9        0.20       99.87
          9 |          6        0.13      100.00
      Total |      4,464      100.00


On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 11:19 AM, Gabi Huiber <[email protected]> wrote:
> I'm not sure what your data structure is, but I assume that you have
> one observation per respondent, respondents can have between 0 and 11
> siblings, and in different data sets some of the yearsib variables may
> be missing.
> The line
> gen agesib1=2006-yearsib1 if yearsib1!=.
> will do two things. First, it will generate the variable agesib1 if
> the variable yearsib1 exists, and it will produce an error "yearsib1
> not found" otherwise, thanks to your inline "if". Second, it will
> produce missing values if the variable yearsib1 exists, but some of
> its values are missing. Your inline "if", however, has nothing to do
> with that. Subtracting a missing from 2006 will produce a missing.
> That's the default behavior.
> I don't think that's the job you meant for your "if" to do. Instead, I
> think that what you're looking for is a way to generate agesib1 if
> yearsib1 exists, and not generate it otherwise (so skip that case,
> rather than produce an error message).
> I would restate your loop as follows:
> forvalues i=1/`n' {
>  capture confirm variable yearsib`i'
>  if _rc==0 {
>    gen agesib`i'=2006-yearsib`i'
>  }
> }
> In other words, check first if yearsib`i' exists; if it does, produce
> a variable named agesib`i'.
> If there is no chance that any of your yearsib variables are missing,
> then the loop above is even simpler, and there's no "if" involved --
> inline or otherwise:
> forvalues i=1/`n' {
>  gen agesib`i'=2006-yearsib`i'
> }
> This really is all there is to it. You will get ages of siblings as
> intended, for all respondents for whom you have siblings with a
> non-missing year of birth.
> Gabi
> On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 10:38 AM, Nirina F <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I was writing the following loop to get the age of each of the
>> respondent's sibling.
>> local n=sibnum
>> forvalues i=1(1)`n'{
>> gen agesib`i'= 2006-yearsib`i' if yearsib`i' !=.
>> }
>> yearsib is the year of birth of the sibling and 2006 is the year of the survey.
>> if I -tabulate- sibnum, it varies from 0 to 11 at various frequencies.
>> However the results of the loop above give me:
>> agesib1, agesib2, ....till agesib5 only not until agesib11 which is
>> wierd to me.
>> I am not sure if I am getting this agesib for each respondent or just
>> the first respondent.
>> I have the unique individial identifier and other variables.
>> Could you please let me know if there is something wrong and how to correct it?
>> thank you very much,
>> Nirina
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