Steven Samuels ha scritto:
Hazard ratios compare two distributions, but you want to know
something about one of the distributions. It is the same as if you
had asked: "I know the ratio of two numbers is 2:1. What is one of
So,unless you have more information, the answer to your question is "No".
I would add that a Cox model makes available an estimate of the
cumulative hazard and after we can use -stcurve- to obtain an estimate
of the hazard at some specified value. See -stcurve-.
On Dec 16, 2008, at 5:03 PM, Ricardo Ovaldia wrote:
Is there a way to convert hazard ratios from survival to rates such
as number of deaths per 10,000?
For example if for treatment A compare to a pacebo the HR=1.3, I know
that there is 30% increase risk of failure under treatment A.
However, can I say what the rate per 1000 patients would be? For
example: X patient per 1000 will die on treatment A
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