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RE: st: RE: calculating number of bimesters

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: RE: calculating number of bimesters
Date   Tue, 16 Dec 2008 18:11:26 -0000

Thanks for this. 

Not to press the point too hard, but the FAQ gives advice on such situations: 

"Don't walk away from the thread you started: Continuing or closing a thread you started is important, especially by answering secondary questions and by reporting what solved your problem." 

"Much of the benefit of Statalist is that an answer to a question might well interest other people. Thinking that an answer might help many is an incentive to everyone. Or, say you start a thread and then you take it private. Your response is now invisible to others who may be interested in the thread." 

... not that such advice should be that needed. 

[email protected] 

Rodrigo Briceño

Thanks for the proposed solution Nick. I will try that.
About the thread it was my mistake to not post to the list, but I just
saw the reply from David. In fact I decided to write him personally to
not bother other members of the list with the thread. David properly
provided me help for solving the issue. I will check the webpage to
see your proposed solution and sorry again.

2008/12/16 Nick Cox <[email protected]>:

> I guess that bimester 1 = Jan-Feb, 2 = Mar-Apr, ..., 6 = Nov-Dec.
> Then
> gen year0 = cond(phase < 3, 2002, 2004)
> gen bimester0 = cond(phase < 3, phase + 3, cond(phase == 3, 2, phase))
> gen mytime = 6 * (year - year0) + (bimester - bimester0) + 1
> Nick
> [email protected]
> By the way, Rodrigo: You started a thread on 4 December
> <>
> -- and David Elliott and I posted various replies, raising subsidiary questions, but I never saw any reply from you.
> Rodrigo Briceño
> I need to calculate the amount of bimesters a
> household stay in a program. For that purpose I have three different
> variables:
> 1. Phase of incorporation (phase): it has 6 numeric values where
> 1=july-august 2002, 2=sep-oct 2002, 3=mar-apr 2004, 4=jul-aug 2004,
> 5=sep-oct 2004, and 6=nov-dic 2004
> 2. Two variables that contain the information about the time the
> household dropped the program:
> 2. 1 Year: from 2002 to 2008
> 2. 2 bimester: from 1 to 6
> In what way can I calculate the amount of bimesters (or months) that a
> household stayed in the program? Example above (time is the variable
> which values I need):
> HH  phase  year    bimester  time
> 1      3         2007       2         19 (or 38 months)
> 2      1         2004       1          10 (or 20 months)

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