In addition to Ronan's very thoughtful remarks:
I think there were other reasons why Susanna got no replies before this
It wasn't very clear what she wants. My guess was that she wants a plot
of predicted response in terms of X4 and X5, adjusting for X1 ... X3. As
mentioned on this list very frequently, Stata isn't serious at 3-D
graphics that might meet this need, whether contour plots or perspective
Just browsing the archives would have signalled the difficulty above.
[email protected]
Ronan Conroy
This request has generated no replies as yet, and it's not hard to see
why. Note, especially "I need a pretty graph"
I looked up "pretty graph" in Stata and there's no routine available,
so we'll have to think this one out. Apologies - this is a long post.
[much detailed advice]
Susanna Khavul
> I would like to graph a quadratic interaction after running rreg
> (Robust Regression). The model is as follows:
> xi:rreg Y i.X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X5squared X5*X4 X5squared*X4
> (interaction terms are centered)
> Where:
> X5 -- independent variable
> X5squared--square of the independent variable
> X4-moderator
> X5*X4--independent variable x moderator
> X5squared*X4--independent variable squared x moderator
> The rest (X1 X2 X3) are controls which I want to account for as well.
> One standard deviation above and below the mean would be fine.
> I want to include both components of the interaction (linear and
> quadratic). Is there a module that will do it? If not, what is the
> optimum graphing command.
> Any help would be much appreciated. I need a pretty graph.
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