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Re: st: nonlinear growth curve in xtmixed
Stata does not yet do nonlinear mixed models, of the kinds you are
talking about.
It would be nice if we could have these models, because then I could
have random effects for pharmacodynamic models, like dose response
On Dec 12, 2008, at 5:29 PM, josemaria wrote:
Dear Stas and Maarten:
thank you for your kindness. But it seems that neither -xtmelogit-
nor -xtmepoisson- nor gllamm do apply, because the response
variable is not binary or count. For example, for -xtmelogit- the
output is odds ratio. Rabe-Hesketh presents growth curve only in
linear and quadratic polynomial forms.
I am interested in continuous variables, as kg, or m, or bmi (body
mass index), that moves through time according to a logistic curve,
but not a curve of probability from 0 to 1.
Singer & Willett use an iterative maximum likelihood procedure
proposed by Pinheiro & Bates (Mixed-Effects Models in S and S-
Plus,Springer, 2000, pages 337-347); the response variable in
Pinheiro & Bates example is the trunk circumference (in mm) of
trees, and time is day. Each tree is measured seven times.
José Maria
By the way, I am not able to write anything in Mata!
Jose Maria Pacheco de Souza, Professor Titular (aposentado)
Departamento de Epidemiologia/Faculdade de Saude Publica, USP
Av. Dr. Arnaldo, 715
01246-904 - S. Paulo/SP - Brasil
fones (11)3061-7747; (11)3768-8612
fax (11)3714-2403
----- Original Message ----- From: "Stas Kolenikov" <[email protected]
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2008 6:54 PM
Subject: Re: st: nonlinear growth curve in xtmixed
As of version 10, Stata provides -xtmelogit- and -xtmepoisson- for
logistic and Poisson models, respectively. I believe Singer & Willett
only talk about logistic models there, right? You can say those are
nonlinear models since the mean functions are nonlinear in x's; to me
those are extensions of generalized linear model, and hence there is
at least some linear flavor to them. PROC NLMIXED can fit some crazy
models with direct integration of the random effects (as far as I
know), and full functionality of that is not available in Stata (at
least in the easily available commands; you can write anything you
want in Mata!)
On 12/12/08, josemaria <[email protected]> wrote:
Dear Statalisters:
Judith D. Singer and John B. Willet, in their book "Applied
Analysis", Oxford University Press, 2003, present, in pages 225-232,
analysis for nonlinear growth curve using the PROC NLMIXED of SAS,
explain that, at the time of writing the book, Stata did not have
yet the
same capability.
This is also informed at the end of the page: "Stata Textbook
Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis: Modeling Change and Event
by Judith D. Singer and John B. Willett
Chapter 6: Modeling Discontinuous and Nonlinear Change",
http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/examples/alda/chapter6 :
"Table 6.6 on page 231.
* Skipped these for now. Stata does not yet do nonlinear mixed
models." Is
it possible now to do such analysis in Stata?
Than you for any orientation.
José Maria
Jose Maria Pacheco de Souza, Professor Titular (aposentado)
Departamento de Epidemiologia/Faculdade de Saude Publica, USP
Av. Dr. Arnaldo, 715
01246-904 - S. Paulo/SP - Brasil
fones (11)3061-7747; (11)3768-8612
fax (11)3714-2403
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