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st: left alignment of value labels in bar graph too little

From   René Geppert <>
Subject   st: left alignment of value labels in bar graph too little
Date   Thu, 11 Dec 2008 14:19:49 +0100


the simplified graph code looks as follows:
graph bar l1lfvl l2lfvl l3lfvl if early == 1, over(counter) bargap(-30) nofill blabel(bar, j(left) color(white) format(%9.1f) size(2) position(center)) percentages
the counter runs from 1 to 6, that is the graph comprises 6*3=18 bars

because of the negative bar gap the (white) value labels inside each first bar partially overlap to the second bar for that reason i wanted to left-align the blabels which does work with the justification (j(left)) option, but since bars are quite small the result is marginal and not satisfactory because the left shift is too little
is there any way to even more left shift the value labels?
(i dont want to reduce the bargap or further reduce the lavel size, that is below 2)
anyone can help?

regards, René
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