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Re: st: Date format export to excel

From   "Ashim Kapoor" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Date format export to excel
Date   Wed, 10 Dec 2008 17:16:07 +0530

Hello Neil,

Thank you for your reply.

For example the number 586 which under the format %tm mean November
2008 in Stata becomes 11/8/2008 in excel, where does excel choose this
8th day from ?

But more than this some dates get even the month wrong like for
example the number 500 which is september 2001, becomes 9/1/2008. The
year changes!!!

Does this seem like a simple problem to fix ? Anything like this have you seen?

Thank you,

On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 4:59 PM, Neil Shephard <[email protected]> wrote:
> Ashim Kapoor wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I have a stata file where I have formatted the date in a  MONTHLY
>> format ie  . format %tmMon_CCYY
>> When I export this file to excel saying outsing using 10.xls SOME of
>> my dates get messed up. Has anyone else experienced this ?
> When you say "SOME" of your dates get messed up, what do you mean?
> Could you provide an example of how Excel is correctly interpreting
> dates and an example of some that are being mis-interpreted.  Otherwise
> people will only be able to guess if they have experienced what you are
> experiencing.
> I'd also avoid -outsheet-ing to a file with the extension ".xls" since
> this implies that it is an Excel formatted file, which is not the case
> since -outsheet- writes to ASCII text files, and by default uses <Tab>
> as a delimiter (although this can be modified using the -, comma- or -,
> delim("char")- options).  If you use the -,comma- option the giving your
> file the extensions ".csv" you will likely find that particular file
> extension is already associated with Excel, and double-clicking the file
> from Explorer will invoke Excel which will then attempt to import your
> data (assuming your on a windows OS with standard Excel installation).
> Neil
> --
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