I'll guess an answer.
I think it's difficult to see how -graph matrix- could readily
accommodate that kind of addition -- together with the many, many other
additions that might be imagined -- without the syntax collapsing into
unmanageable complexity. One difficulty is that the user would often
want to reach through to tweak lots of details on the individual graphs
and that's likely to be a pain to accommodate.
In many ways, it is better to think bottom up in terms of looping over
variables and emitting a series of graphs to feed to -graph combine-.
-cpyxplot- from SSC already implements one strategy of this kind. It
lets us you do things like this:
sysuse auto, clear
cpyxplot price mpg \ weight length , plottype(lfitci)
The \ separates responses and predictors.
That appears to be more or less what you are asking for. (If what you
really want is -scatter- too, that is beyond -cpyxplot-, but a
customised clone is obtainable with some programming.)
[email protected]
Clive Nicholas
One question for StataCorp: Why are there no -(lfit y x)- and -(lfitci
y x)- options with -graph matrix? If I'm not missing anything obvious,
this would make -graph matrix- even more useful than it already is.
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