1. You need to specify that the range() option is for the second
yaxis: -yscale(range(0) axis(2)) -
2. Use -scatter- with the -mlabel()- option.
For example:
sysuse auto,clear
collapse mpg trunk, by(rep)
twoway bar mpg rep, yaxis(1) yscale(range(0) axis(1)) ///
|| line trunk rep , sort yaxis(2) yscale(range(0) axis(2)) ///
|| scatter mpg rep, mlabel(mpg) mlabpos(12) m(none) yaxis(1) ///
|| scatter trunk rep ,mlabel(trunk) mlabpos(3) m(none) yaxis(2) ///
|| ,legend(order(1 3))
On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 1:45 PM, René Geppert
<[email protected]> wrote:
> Hi, I am using Stata/SE 10 for Windows.
> I generated a graph using the following (simplified) code:
> . twoway (bar var1 Quarter, yaxis(1) yscale(range(0))) (line var2 Quarter,
> yaxis(2) )
> I do so in order to obtain two y-axes (left and right hand side) with a
> different scale. To format the graph properly I experienced two problems:
> a) Both axes start at their minimum values, which I can fix for the left
> hand side y-axis using yscale(range(0)), which does not work for the right
> hand side y-axis for some reason. Why is that and how can I achieve the same
> effect there?
> b) var 1 and var 2 have 6 observations (at each instance of Quarter). How
> can I get a label at each instance in the graph for the line and bar plot,
> respectively? That is, show the observation values for example inside each
> bar and above the line. The blabel option which one can usually use in a bar
> graph does not work in the twoway bar version.
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