Martin Weiss already pointed you in the direction of the data management
FAQs. When I read your first posting, it seemed that the most relevant
FAQ was
FAQ . . Creating variables recording prop. of the other members of a
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N.
J. Cox
4/05 How do I create variables summarizing for each
individual properties of the other members of a
However, it now seems that you have quite a different data structure
from that assumed in the FAQ or by previous contributors to the thread.
No wonder this thread is moving so slowly: without precise information
at the outset, people can easily just waste their time.
You don't make it clear even now, but I guess from this that sex is
coded 1 for female and 0 for male. If not, change the code below.
A loop from first principles is
gen boynum = 0
gen girlnum = 0
forval i = 1/12 {
replace boynum = boynum + (sexsib`i' == 0) if `i' <= numsib
replace girlnum = girlnum + (sexsib`i' == 1) if `i' <= numsib
It may be that you can do it with
egen boynum = anycount(sexsib*), values(0)
egen girlnum = anycount(sexsib*), values(1)
but much depends on what is stored for any siblings beyond -numsib-. If
sex is missing if there is no such sibling. The -egen- route should
[email protected]
Nirina F
I tried this:
egen boynum= count(sexsib*==1), by (hhid)
but of course sexsib* came out as invalid name.
I have variables sexsib1 , sexsib2, .... sexsib12. These are the sex
of the siblings and the siblings vary from 0 to 12 depending on the
number of siblings in the household.
But I have also numsib whcih tells me the number of siblings.
I guess I have to write a loop :
. forvalues t=numsib{
2. egen boynum= count(sexsib`t'==1), by(hhid)
3. }
but then I get " invalid syntax
r(198);" because I have an error in my code
<big snip>
Nirina F
>>> I have a household survey data and would like to construct a
>>> that indicates the sex composition of the respondent's siblings.
>>> I have the year of birth and sex of siblings.
>>> Does anyone know how to do this because the number of siblings vary
>>> respondent and the minimum number of sibling is 0 and maximum is
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