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st: Data file restructure

From   "Michael Beets" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Data file restructure
Date   Mon, 8 Dec 2008 08:25:08 -0500

Data transformation

I have a wide formatted data set (each row is an individual measured
over time) containing 15 measurements beginning at 1981 and ending at
2006 (example: m81, m82, m85, m86… m2006). At the initial year of
measure (1981) the age range of individuals spanned 16 to 24yrs-old.
The age of each individual at each measurement occasion is in 15 age
variables (example: a81, a82, a85, a86… a2006).

What I want to do is restructure the dataset so age (in years) is the
variable with the measurement value listed for each individual.

Here is an example of what I think this would look like:

Current dataset:

Id          m81          m82          m85          a81          a82          a85

1           1.5           1.75           2                16
 17            20

2          2.3           2.5            2.6               17
18            21

3          1.8           2              2.3                24
 25            28

Restructured dataset

Id            y16         y17         y18         ….           Y20
    y21         y22         y23         y24         y25         …

1              1.5          1.75                                        2

2                            2.3          2.5

2                              2.3

I've attempted to use "reshape" but this does not seem to give me the
data structure I am after. I also attempted to write some code using
"gen y16 = m81 if a81==16", but this cumbersome and subject to error.
Is there an easier set of commands to restructure the data as
indicated above?


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