Dear Statalisters. I have a database of individuals with have suffered
from some events (muscular pain). The maximum amount of events an
individual could suffer in the database is 4. What I need is to copy
the information available (the row of data for each individual) the
number of times required, so those individuals that have 3, 2 or 1
event, end in the new database with 4 events all. So for example
(maximum number of events is 2 in this case):
old database:
id event x
1 1 30
2 1 15
2 2 15
new database
id event x
1 1 30
1 1 30
2 1 15
2 2 15
I'm using stata 9 and my OS is windows vista. Thanks for your help.
Rodrigo Briceño
+506 22-91-12-00 ext. 113 Office
+506 22-32-08-30 Fax
+506 88-86-11-77 Cell
[email protected]
[email protected]
MSN: [email protected]
SKYPE: rbriceno1087
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