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Re: st: Re: video from multiple graph exports

From   Neil Shephard <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Re: video from multiple graph exports
Date   Thu, 04 Dec 2008 13:51:17 +0000

I second Kit's support for the ease of installation and use of LaTeX
(although I use prosper for presentations rather than beamer).

Installation on any OS is simple as you can grab a live CD from (and MikTeX mentioned in the thread is a bit
dated now anyway).  Installation under *NIX systems will depend on the
type your on, but most GNU/Linux distros have TexLive in their package

Its a shame a significant proportion of the world still focus on style
over content as its far easier when the two are handled separately.

On the original problem one solution could be to generate a series of
.jpg's or .png's and the compile them into an animated GIF for embedding
in whatever presentation software you are using.  How you do this will
depend on your OS, but you can (according to a few Google searches) use
The GIMP ( which is available cross-platforms to
do this, and I've used command-line tools under GNU/Linux to achieve this.


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