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Michael said
I noticed from -help rsource- that the "Rterm_path" global macro of
Roger Newson's -rsource- procedure defaults to a value of
"Rterm.exe". In light of Kit Baum's response to David Airey (quoted
below), it seems that a more robust solution would be to replace
lines 30-32 of rsource.ado:
if `"`rpath'"'=="" {;
local rpath "Rterm.exe";
with the following:
if `"`rpath'"'=="" {;
if c(os) == "Windows" {;
local rpath "Rterm.exe";
else {;
local rpath "/usr/bin/r";
If I understand Kit's message correctly, the latter executable path
is valid for any Unix-based installation of R (including R.app on Mac
OS X).
I do have a symlink (ln -s) from a file within the R.app package to /
usr/bin/r. I don't recall having made that link myself, and it is
dated the same date as the directory R.app (yes, OS X .apps are really
directories---as is Stata.app), so I imagine the R installer probably
created the symlink (with my permission, as it is owned by root). It
would be sensible for Roger N. to do something like
local rpath = cond(c(os) == "Windows", "Rterm.exe", "/usr/bin/r")
to make his routine platform-independent.
Kit Baum, Boston College Economics and DIW Berlin
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