Dear users,
my data contains individuals, the family structure looks like this:
HHID PID Mother Description
1 1 5 Mother
1 2 Father
1 3 1 Child1
1 4 1 Child2
1 5 Grandmother
HHID is the household ID, PID is the personal ID, Mother is the ID of
the observation's mother and description is just to illustrate.
I want to create an additional variable "number of children". This
should be 2 for person 1 (since she has 2 children) and 1 for person 5
(since the mother in the household is the child of the grandmother).
Obviously grouping by HHID does not work since I have 3 generations in
one household.
Does anybody have an idea how this could be done? Thanks very much for
your answers!
best, Florian
Dr. Florian Wakolbinger
Amraserstrasse 15
A-6020 Innsbruck
+43 664 638 5993
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