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st: RE: RE: Re: Poststratification weights

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: RE: Re: Poststratification weights
Date   Wed, 26 Nov 2008 20:51:04 -0000

I don't see that the Statalist FAQ is an appropriate place to store
standard or generic email or internet stuff. That seems (already) a
standard reaction to this sub-thread. Without spelling it out, we have
to assume -- even if it's optimistic -- that members are people who know
about (e.g.) Google, Wikipedia and (dare I say it) how to use standard
printed reference works. 

[email protected] 

Lachenbruch, Peter

"Read the Friendly Manual"  (plus variations on the "F" word); "For what
it's worth"  - also, HTH= "hope this helps" which appears a lot

I don't think abbreviations is worth mentioning in the FAQ.  These seem
to be general email or internet abbreviations.

Martin Weiss

Just out of curiosity: What do "RTFM" and "FWIW" stand for? Should we
have a 
repository of "frequently used abbreviations" in the list FAQ?

Michael I. Lichter

 (I would RTFM if I had

> access to one, and I didn't find a FAQ or any discussion on the topic.
> am using Stata 9.2, FWIW.)

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