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st: RE: Modified Question: Manipulating an Unbalanced Panel

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Modified Question: Manipulating an Unbalanced Panel
Date   Mon, 24 Nov 2008 12:37:50 -0000

==== solution 1 

A direct answer to your question is that you could exploit the results
your -count- command by using its result saved in r(N). For example, 

gen byte nOK = 0 
egen group = group(PanelMember) if consumption > 0 & consumption < . 
su group, meanonly 
qui forval i = 1/`r(N)' { 
	count if group == `i'
	replace nOK = r(N) if group == `i' 

followed by 

... if nOK >= 2 

But there are other and better ways to do that. 

==== solution 2 
One is  

egen nOK = total(consumption > 0 & consumption < .) , by(PanelNumber)  

followed by 

... if nOK >= 2 & consumption > 0 & consumption < . 

As -consumption > 0- is true, and evaluates to 1, whenever -consumption-
is positive, the -egen- statement counts suitable observations within
each panel. 

The extra condition -consumption < .- has been added to exclude any
missings, which also count as positive. That does no harm and may catch
some problems. (The -count- statement above does the same.) 

==== solution 3
Another is closer to your original code: 

gen byte OK = consumption > 0 & consumption < . 
bysort OK PanelMember : gen nOK = cond(OK == 0, 0, _N) 
... if nOK >= 2 

At this moment, the last is in my view the best way to do what you want.

[email protected] 

P.S. In your example, the variable counts observations in each panel,
not the number of panels. 

ippab ippab

I just realized that I can generate a variable with the number of
panels with the following command: by  PanelNumber: gen CountSessions
= _N .

But, in my data, there is another variable which indicates if that
observation has any positive consumption.  I actually need to count
the number of positive consumptions for each panel.  There are
sessions without any consumption.  For example, I used "by
PanelNumber: gen CountSessions = _N   if  consumption>0".  This is
wrong because this gives CountSessions =2 even if a panel has one
session (observation) with positive consumption  and one session
(observation) without any consumption.

I found that the following command gives me the right output on the
screen: "by  PanelNumber: count   if  consumption>0".   However, I
don't know how to generate a variable to capture the output for the
command:  "by PanelNumber: count   if  consumption>0".  I would really
appreciate some help with this.

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