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st: re: marginal effects after ivtobit

From   Kit Baum <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: re: marginal effects after ivtobit
Date   Sun, 23 Nov 2008 08:07:40 -0500

Martin said

Kit, maybe I misunderstand the word "deprecated", but are you implying that users should not use the official -dprobit-? I cannot find anything in its
help file that would discourage its use. In the case of the
user-written -dtobit-, the author has not yet withdrawn the command, which
is a different story...

Indeed, I was suggesting that. There was a discussion at last week's FNASUG in which someone complained that -dprobit- could not do this or that. It is essentially an orphaned command; when StataCorp thought about creating one such command for every limited dep var estimation command, they must have figured out that it would be easier to write a single -mfx- and set it up to deal with every estimation command. - dprobit- predates that and is still with us because Stata does not usually drop existing commands. But if you want the full set of capabilities available to you, use -probit- and -mfx-. Limitations of - dprobit- include vce options, allowed prefix commands, allowed weight types, etc.

Personally, in my research I use -probit- followed by -mfx-. I throw away the -probit- results and put the -mfx- results in a table (which cannot be done with -est table-, btw, but is handled nicely with - estout- from Ben Jann using the -marg- option).

Kit Baum, Boston College Economics and DIW Berlin
An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata:

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