Very nice tutorial!!
Thank you!
Is this the same approach that Bill Rising presented in Italy that was
discussed recently?
Some spelling typos:
"cab" should be "can"
"loosing" should be "losing"
On Nov 19, 2008, at 9:43 AM, Ben Jann wrote:
Thanks to Kit Baum, a tutorial on automated table generation and
reporting with Stata is available from the SSC archive.
. ssc install tabletutorial
to install and then
. help tabletutorial
to start the tutorial.
Description: -tabletutorial- illustrates how Stata can be used to
export statistical results and generate customized reports. Part 1
explains how results from Stata routines can be accessed and how they
can be exported using the -file- comand or a wrapper such as, e.g.,
-mat2txt-. Part 2 shows how model estimation results can be archived
using -estwrite- and how models can be tabulated and exported to
LaTeX, MS Excel, or MS Word using -estout-. Part 3 illustrates how to
set up automatic reports in LaTeX or MS Word. The tutorial is based on
a talk given at CEPS/INSTEAD in Luxembourg in October 2008. After
install, type -help tabletutorial- to start the tutorial (in Stata 8,
type -whelp tabletutorial-). The -mat2txt-, -estwrite-, and -estout-
packages, also avaliable from SSC, are required to run the examples.
Requires: Stata version 8.2
A pdf of the tutorial is available from
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