Do you mean you want ticks and x-axis labels superimposed within the
data region? I'd refuse to play, regardless of whether it can be done.
[email protected]
Stephen P. Jenkins
An Excel-using colleague has asked me how to have the x-axis of a
twoway plot go through zero (or some other number) on the y-axis.
sysuse auto
ge y = price - 5000
* x-axis below all values (default)
scatter y mpg
* line through zero; axis labelling and ticks below
scatter y mpg, yline(0) xscale(noline)
* ? how to force x-axis through zero ?
I've looked through the [G] manual, and searched the Statalist
archive, but have not yet been able to discover how to do this. (It's
not necessarily aesthetically desirable, I know, but I have been
presented with the 'challenge'.)
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