Dear statalisters,
I am seeking to attain predicted probabilities of my outcome (BMI cats - normal, overweight, obese) for four main independent variables. I am not sure how to do it, but here is what I have tried:
svyset [pweight=femaleweight], strata(order) psu(place)
xi: svymlogit BMICAT i.AGECAT4 i.ED2 i.WB_pov i.ASSET_INDEX i.PCAwealthindex i.FATHERED i.GENHEALTH_PAST, basecategory(2) nolog
svymlogit, rrr
predict p1 p2 p3
sort ED2
by ED2: sum p1
by ED2: sum p2
by ED2: sum p3
Here are my main questions:
1) Does this syntax, does p1 refer to my reference outcome = normal weight; p2= overweight, p3 = obese? I want to make sure that I am interpreting what p1, p2, and p3 is properly.
2) If I sort and sum by p1, p2, and p3 - is this giving me the mean predicted probability of each of my three outcomes for all individuals in each of those three sub-categories (of education, for example, as seen above)? That is what I'm trying to do.
I hope this is clear!
Thanks in advance for your assistance,
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