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RE: st: Conditional multinomial logistic regression

From   jverkuilen <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: Conditional multinomial logistic regression
Date   Fri, 14 Nov 2008 12:22:40 -0500

You have to set up the data appropriately but -clogit- does it. There are examples in the manual if I recall correctly.

Basically you have to turn the polytomous variable into a binary one with 1 indicating which option was chosen and 0 for al others. Each row will have the alternative specific vars. The SJ paper on -mixlogit- by Arne Rise Hole shows how. Search the archive as it has been posted numerous times. 

-----Original Message-----
From: "Elizabeth Allred" <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Sent: 11/13/2008 3:42 PM
Subject: st: Conditional multinomial logistic regression

I've used clogit (conditional [fixed-effects] logistic regression but it only deals with a binary dependent variable. Now I have a dependent variable with 3 levels. Mlogit (multinomial logistic regression) handles that but doesn't it doesn't do for the fixed effects. How can I do condtional multinomial logistic??

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