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RE: st: Re: Memory

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: Re: Memory
Date   Thu, 13 Nov 2008 14:56:05 -0000

I still don't understand what you are trying to do. But I can comment on
your code. 

You are looping round 40,000 times and writing a single result to 40,000
data files. Then you are looping round to put all those 40,000 data
files in one. 

I'd do that directly this way using just one extra file: 

set obs 31 
gen a = . 
tempname out 
postfile `out' t using myresults.dta
qui forval i = 1/40000 { 
	replace a = invnorm(uniform())
	ttest a = 0
	post `out' (r(t)) 
postclose `out'

I still doubt 40,000 is anywhere big enough to get an answer. 

[email protected] 

Victor M. Zammit

* a} The data that I have is from generating random samples of whatever
size,in this case of size 31,from a normally distributed,infinitely
population; ie

local i = 1

while `i'<= 40000 {

drop _all

set obs 31

gen a = invnorm(uniform())

qui ttest a = 0

replace a = r(t) in 1

keep in 1

save a`i',replace

local i = `i'+1


* I use 40000 due to memory constraint.Appending the a[i]'s together
me a variable of 40000 observations ,ie

use a1,clear

local i = 2

while `i'<= 40000 {

append using a`i'.dta

local i = `i'+1


save ais40000,replace

* b) From ais40000.dta I get the density <= 1.31, presumably to get the
density of 90% , <= 1.697 to get the density of 95% etc etc,according to
official ttable, ie

capture program drop density

program define density

use ais40000,clear

count if a<= `1'

di " density >=" "`1'" " = " r(N)/40000


density 1.31

density 1.697

density 2.042

density 2.457

density 2.75

* For smaller degrees of freedom,the discrepancy is much higher.I would
to know how if it is at all possible to resolve memory constraint .

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