Thank you, Joseph,
that is news to me, I thought the 'more' message is triggered by
overflow of the display buffer, and can never occur if I suppress
output with either -quietly- or -capture-. I'd prefer your solution
over Kit's, but thanks goes to all who responded.
Best regards, Sergiy
On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 9:53 AM, Joseph Coveney <[email protected]> wrote:
> Sergiy Radyakin wrote:
> the -svmat- Stata command has an inconvenient interactivity feature,
> which always requests a confirmation, e.g.:
> . svmat R
> number of observations will be reset to 9
> Press any key to continue, or Break to abort
> obs was 0, now 9
> If -quietly- or -capture- is applied, the text is not displayed, but
> there is still a -more- condition, which pauses the execution of the
> .do/.ado file, even if the dataset is empty (cleared with -clear-)
> immediately before -svmat-.
> Can this behaviour be changed somehow?
> Currently, the only work around I've found is the following:
> quietly {
> clear
> set obs `=rowsof(R)'
> generate junk=_n
> svmat R
> drop junk
> }
> Note that even if the number of observations is set to the number of
> rows in R, it is not sufficient for some reason to avoid the
> confirmation. There must be a variable in the dataset. Can somebody
> advise a shorter piece of code?
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Have you tried -set more off-?
> clear *
> set more off
> quietly describe
> assert r(N) == 0
> assert r(k) == 0
> matrix define M = J(4, 4, 0)
> quietly svmat M
> list
> exit
> gives:
> . clear *
> . set more off
> . quietly describe
> . assert r(N) == 0
> . assert r(k) == 0
> . matrix define M = J(4, 4, 0)
> . quietly svmat M
> . list
> +-------------------+
> | M1 M2 M3 M4 |
> |-------------------|
> 1. | 0 0 0 0 |
> 2. | 0 0 0 0 |
> 3. | 0 0 0 0 |
> 4. | 0 0 0 0 |
> +-------------------+
> . exit
> end of do-file
> If you want -more- to be set on routinely, then you could write a wrapper
> for -svmat- that toggles the more condition:
> program define svmat3
> version 8.2
> local more_condition `c(more)'
> set more off
> quietly svmat `0'
> set more `more_condition'
> end
> Joseph Coveney
> *
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