First I note that your example syntax is quite illegal. However,
bysort group: gen var = _n
would work, for example.
I take it that you want to generate a new variable with successive values 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4, etc.
Check out -egen-'s -seq()- function.
bysort group: gen var = ceil(_n/2)
[email protected]
Linn Renée Naper
egen var=_n, by(group) will give me a variable counting from 1 til N within each group of the data.
BUT: how do I tell stata that the observations are double in the sense that I need a variable that repeats each number ones,
like this: 11 22 33 44.... instead of 1 2 3 4.....
I need this variable in order to collapse the data.
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