I have a question regarding the standard error of the random-effects
parameter in multi-level models (-xtmixed).
I am estimating a multilevel model using -xtmixed-, and the dataset I
use is from multiple imputation procedure using -ice-. I use -mim- for
estimation and the command is : mim: xtmixed irtm pexpect pbelmth
mclsize mtexp if [parwgt] || schid: || childid:. The output gives the
random-effects paramters in logrithm of the paramters:
irtm | Coef. Std. Err. [95% Conf. Int.] MI.df
/lns1_1_1 | 1.20731 .052497 1.10429 1.31034 923.0
/lns2_1_1 | 2.42047 .009313 2.40208 2.43886 164.9
/lnsig_e | 2.21744 .00496 2.2077
2.22718 597.9
I know I can get the paramter by using di exp(1.20731), but how can I
get the corresponding standard errors?
Thank you!
Nailing Xia
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