At 09:00 AM 11/9/2008, =?big5?B?wuWoxqvHqfqzx250dQ==?= wrote:
hi :
i am a sata fresh user .
and i have a problem on sata 10 mp and o.
when i try to using sample data
binlfp2.dta and
command is
logi lfp k5 k618 age wc lwg inc
prgen inc, from(0) to (100) generate(p30) x(age=30) rest(mean) gap(2)
a strange is come
binlfp2 had missing some variables .
I'm guessing you mean that the first 51 cases have values for the
generated variables and everything after that is missing. This is
because the generated vars are really more like a 2nd data set; the
values aren't actually linked to the 51 cases. It is just that they
had to put these 51 sets of values somewhere so they added them to
the current data set. If you changed it to gap(1) you would find
that the first 101 cases had values and the rest were missing.
Once you've got this stuff, you are supposed to plot it. See Long
and Freese's book for details:
Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
OFFICE: (574)631-6668, (574)631-6463
HOME: (574)289-5227
EMAIL: [email protected]
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