It means that a GLM with reciprocal link and gamma family is apparently
a better fit to your data than a GLM with reciprocal link and (default)
Gaussian family.
But, as should be clear, just because a model does converge does not
mean it is any good, let alone the best for your data. Yet other
right-skewed families might be good too; other kinds of model might
better. Without your data we can only speculate.
[email protected]
roland andersson
Yes it converged with family(gamma) and after I had removed some
covariates. Can someone tell med what an analysis with family(gamma)
link(power -1) means?
I think this gets too complicated and the difference in LOS is so
small that it has no importance. I will content with stating there was
no difference in median LOS and use Mann-Whitney test and skip the
modelling of the LOS.
2008/11/6 Nick Cox <[email protected]>:
> Sometimes a gamma family works well for reciprocal links.
roland andersson
> Thank you Peter
> I tried that but unfortunately the model did not converge.
2008/11/6 Lachenbruch, Peter <[email protected]>:
>> You need a space between power and -1
>> Check the help for glm
Roland andersson
>> I tried the model
>> xi: glm lengthof stay lapscopy i.appdgn2 i.alderk prepermalign
>> precardioscleros preperdiabetes cons, eform link(power-1) nocons
>> and get an error message "unrecognized command: power"
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