I think the singletons should be marked as `touse'=0 as this kind of
thing is just too odd:
webuse grunfeld, clear
keep if t==1 | company==1
xtreg mvalue invest, fe
reg mvalue invest if company==1
where the only thing the extra 9 singleton obs are used for is the
calculation of the "constant"
...but others may disagree.
I suppose the resolution of this question is related to whether you
believe the individual-specific means are estimated consistently (see
also -fese- on SSC) but it seems to me that since -xtivreg2- does not
even report a constant, you can take the stand that singletons are not
in the estimation sample.
It certainly seems odd to me to report a coef identified by 20 obs on
one company and a "constant" (mean FE) identified by 29 obs, and to
have the same df for tests on each, but I suppose there can be
situations where that is the behavior you want.
On Fri, Nov 7, 2008 at 7:27 AM, Schaffer, Mark E <[email protected]> wrote:
> Erasmo,
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [email protected]
>> [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of
>> Erasmo Giambona
>> Sent: 07 November 2008 11:23
>> To: statalist
>> Subject: st: e(sample) not working after XTIVREG2
>> Dear Prof. Schaffer and Statalisters,
>> For some reasons, e(sample) does not seem to work after XTIVREG2. In
>> particular, if I run XTIVREG2 some observations are not used because
>> they are singleton (likely due to the fact that some of my RHS
>> variables are lagged 1 period relative to the dependent variable).
>> However, If I try to calculate summary statistics with the e(sample)
>> option (i.e., sum ...... if e(sample)), the singleton observations are
>> now used again. I contacted STATA Support about it. They cannot
>> explain why this happens and suggests that I contact you.
> This is a good question. -xtivreg2- works this way mostly because
> that's how Stata's official FE estimators work. If you use official
> -xtivreg- or -xtreg,fe- and you have singleton groups, they aren't
> explicitly dropped from the sample and e(sample) will include them.
> Probably -xtivreg2- should either (a) drop the singletons from the
> estimation sample, or (b) add an option that allows you to recover the
> singletons. But I am not sure what is best; (a) is a significant
> variation from official Stata and should not be adopted lightly.
> If anyone on the list has views on this, I'd be interest to hear them!
> --Mark
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