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Re: st: Reshape limit

From   "Joseph Coveney" <[email protected]>
To   "Statalist" <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: Reshape limit
Date   Fri, 7 Nov 2008 01:00:56 +0900

Ashim Kapoor wrote:

Re: st: Reshape limit


Ashim Kapoor wrote:

I have 3 variables value  , j1 and j2.

j1 goes from 1 to 3
j2 goes from 1 to 10032

and the data is in long form.

When I say reshape wide value,i(j1) j(j2)

Stata says that I have too many values for j2.

saying -help limits- or -help reshape- does not enlighten me.

can someone point me in the right direction ?


If you haven't done so already, be sure to -set maxvars- to what you'll

I don't know whether -reshape- has a limit smaller than 32767 variables, but
if so then you can do the reshape in batches, each of which individually is
small enough for -reshape- to handle, assembling the pieces with -merge-.
The do-file below shows how it's done.  Pardon the use of magic numbers.

Joseph Coveney

clear *
set more off

set maxvar 32767

// Create dummy dataset for illustration
set obs 10032
generate byte j1 = .
generate int j2 = _n
generate float value = runiform()

tempfile dataset
save `dataset', emptyok

replace j1 = 1
forvalues j1 = 2/3 {
   append using `dataset'
   replace j1 = `j1' if missing(j1)

// Reshape in small batches
sort j2
save  `dataset', replace

tempfile Accumulator
local last_N 0
local first_pass 1
quietly forvalues this_N = 1881(1881)30096 {

   use `dataset'
   keep in `=`last_N' + 1' / `this_N'
   local last_N `this_N'

   reshape wide value, i(j1) j(j2)

   if (`first_pass') {
       save `Accumulator'
       local first_pass 0
   else {
       sort j1
       merge j1 using `Accumulator'
       assert _merge == 3
       drop _merge
       sort j1
      save `Accumulator', replace


use `Accumulator', clear

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