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Re: st: R: Someone help me on the multiple failure duration model?

From   "Martin Wang" <>
To   "" <>, "" <>
Subject   Re: st: R: Someone help me on the multiple failure duration model?
Date   Tue, 4 Nov 2008 00:03:20 +0800

Dear Carlo,

Many thanks for your suggestion. I've just requested the book from other library. But my question is a little bit urgent, if anyone happens to know the answer could you please kindly help.



======= 2008-11-03 23:40:52 Original Message:=======

>Dear Martin,
>all these topics are covered in Cleves MA, Gould WW, Gutierrez RG. An
>introduction to survival analysis using Stata. Revised edition. College
>Station: Stata Press, 2004.
>In my opinion, this is a very "good value for money" textbook.
>Kind Regards,
>-----Messaggio originale-----
>[] Per conto di Martin Wang
>Inviato: luned?3 novembre 2008 16.22
>Oggetto: st: Someone help me on the multiple failure duration model?
>/********** This is a html email************************/
>Dear all, 
>Can someone help me on the multiple failure duration model? For example,
>let's say I have the following data:
>year             |       1        |         2        |        3         |
>4         |       5          |       6         |      7                  
>patient 1(Female)|weight:50,ill(0)| weight:52,ill(0) |
>weight:53,fine(1)|weight:48,fine(1)|weight:50,ill(0)  |weight:50,ill(0)
>patient 2(male)  |weight:51,ill(0)| weight:48,ill(0) | weight:60,ill(0) |
>weight:67,ill(0)|weight:78,fine(1) |weight:60,fine(1)| (missing)  
>patient 3(male)  |weight:52,ill(0)| weight:50,fine(1)| (missing)        |
>(missing)       | weight:50,fine(1)| weight:40,ill(0)| weight:60,ill(0) 
>You see for each patient there are multiple observations, and also there may
>be multiple failures(in this case - getting fine). And also some subject has
>gap in the data, for example patient 3 has gap in year 3 and year 4. I
>wonder whether I can still use streg or stcox for this setting and use ALL
>the observations. For example,
>stset t, id(patient) failure(fine) exit(time .) noshow
>stcox weight female, r 
>or streg weight female, r
>Can anyone kindly help me out? Any suggestions?
>Many thanks!!
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