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st: How to create weight variable

From   "fran brittan" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: How to create weight variable
Date   Mon, 3 Nov 2008 14:11:40 +0000

Dear Statalist,

I have spent many hours trying to work this out, but all the
information I could find was on how to evaluate survey data where a
variable containing weights already exists. Everyone I know who works
with Stata is also only familiar with data analysis once the dataset
is correctly adjusted, or using experimental data. So even if the
answer is simple, I would be very grateful for your help!

I have a dataset from a survey that over-sampled highly educated
people. I'd like to weight it so that the data is closer to the values
in the true population, which I have from census data. The
distribution of levels of education in my sample looks like this:

    highest |
   level of |
  education |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
          1 |         35        6.67        6.67
          2 |         92       17.52       24.19
          3 |        230       43.81       68.00
          4 |         61       11.62       79.62
          5 |        107       20.38      100.00
      Total |        525      100.00

Level 5 (tertiary education) is only 9% in the population, according
to census data, but 20% in my sample. Level 1 is 24% in the
population, but 6.67% in my sample. Etc.

Should I just create a new variable along the lines of

gen weight=0
recode weight (0=3.6) if educ==1

etc? Would this give me the weight variable that I'm looking for -
that I could then use in a svy: regression?

Thank you so much for your input.

Fran Brittan
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