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Re: st: -log- in Stata to bypass commands that resulted in errors?

From   Alan Riley <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: -log- in Stata to bypass commands that resulted in errors?
Date   Thu, 30 Oct 2008 17:39:11 -0500

Mingfeng Lin ([email protected]) asked about saving all
commands which did not result in an error:
> I'm just curious if there is a way (or maybe an add-on) in Stata to
> create a log file for only the correct commands? -log using- or -#
> review- will capture all commands that have been typed in the window,
> including those resulting in errors.  If there is a way for the log to
> automatically filter out those commands, it would be really nice,
> especially replicating what we do in an interative manner with Stata.

It is possible to do this from Stata's Review window, which displays
a history of commands submitted to Stata.  Follow the steps below
to save a .do file consisting of all interactive commands which did
not result in an error.

There are three columns in the Review window: sequence number (the
order in which commands were submitted to Stata), command (the command
itself), and return code (empty if the command completed successfully;
the return code, or '_rc' from the command if it exited with an

After issuing several commands to Stata interactively, some of which
might have resulted in errors, click on the top of the return code
(_rc) column in the Review window.  This will sort the commands
in the Review window such that all the commands which did not result
in an error are grouped together (and within that group they will
be in the order in which they were submitted to Stata).  Beneath them
will be all the commands resulting in errors, sorted by the return

The first group is of interest; the second can be ignored.  Select
all commands in the first group: click once on the first command
in the group to select it, scroll until the last command in the group
is visible, and then hold down the shift key while clicking on it
to select all commands from the first one through the last one in
the group.

Once all of the valid commands have been selected, right-click anywhere
in the Review window and choose "Save Selected..." to save those commands
to a .do file, or choose "Send to Do-file Editor" to paste those commands
into Stata's Do-file Editor.

([email protected])

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