That is simple, I wrote a non-efficient version where P is computed. But
the code will give some ideas about your question.
Best regards, Rodrigo.
program define myiv2, eclass
version 9.2
syntax varlist [if] [in], Instruments(varlist)
qui {
marksample touse
tempvar ones
tempname b V
gen `ones' =1
local endos "`varlist' `ones'"
tokenize `varlist'
local lhs `1'
mac shift
local rhs `*'
local endo : word count `rhs'
local exogs "`instruments' `ones'"
sum `lhs' if `touse', meanonly
local nobs = r(N)
local dof = `nobs' - (`endo' + 1)
mata: ivest("`endos'","`exogs'","`touse'")
mat `b' = __b
mat `V' = __V
mat colnames `b' = `rhs' _cons
mat colnames `V' = `rhs' _cons
mat rownames `V' = `rhs' _cons
eret post `b' `V', dof(`dof') obs(`nobs') depname(`lhs')
noi eret di
void ivest(string scalar vn1, string scalar vn2, string scalar touse)
real matrix W, y, X, Z, P, b, V, D, L, M, Vr
real colvector e
real scalar n, k
string rowvector vars1, vars2
string scalar v1, v2
vars1 = tokens(vn1)
vars2 = tokens(vn2)
v1 = vars1[|1,.|]
v2 = vars2[|1,.|]
e=(y - X*b)
V = D*(e'e/(rows(X)-cols(X)))
M = diag(e*e')
V= D*X'*P*M*P*X*D'*(n/(rows(X)-cols(X)))
-----Mensaje original-----
De: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] En nombre de Sasha
Enviado el: Jueves, 30 de Octubre de 2008 08:59 a.m.
Para: [email protected]
Asunto: st: replace VC matrix in ivreg
Dear Statalist users,
I programed calculation of HAC robust VC matrix in Mata and stored it as
Stata matrix called A using the following Mata command:
st_matrix("A", A).
I would like to keep coefficients computed by ivreg command, replace the
variance-covariance matrix computed by ivreg command with my matrix A,
and output the result in a standard table with coefficients, standard
errors, etc.
Can you suggest how can I do that?
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