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st: Re: rolling regression
I don't see why you need -nlcom- to calculate standard errors, unless
you are trying to compute nonlinear combinations of the coefficients. -
rolling- will calculate standard errors. Modifying the second example
in its helpfile,
. webuse lutkepohl2, clear
. tsset qtr
. rolling _b _se, window(10): regress dln_inv dln_inc
If for some reason you would like to compute nlcoms of the estimated
coefficients with their associated standard errors, you would need to
write a little 'wrapper' program that generated the desired results
and returned them to -rolling-, and execute that rather than -
regress-. That would be a bit more work. Please clarify what you are
trying to do.
Kit Baum, Boston College Economics and DIW Berlin
An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata:
On Oct 30, 2008, at 24:52 , Dr.K.Hassan Naqvi wrote:
Dear Sir,
I want to have the rolling coefficent alongwith standad errors . I
have been able to estimate rolling regression using stata 9 form its
dropdown manue. However when I tried to estimate the standard
errors of the rolling coefficents using nlcom command, it does not
work and always given a message "last estimation not found".
Based on your knowledge, may I request you to please guide me how
can I apply nlcom on rolling regression in stata 9.
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