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If I understand this correctly, something like this may suit: 

forval i = 1/198 { 
	qui su ps [aweight = spl`i'], detail 
	di %3.0f `i' %10.3f r(skewness) %10.3f r(kurtosis) 

[email protected] 

P.S. "sorting" is sedimentology-speak for variability, but Alona asks
for skewness and kurtosis. If she wants other measures too, modify the
-display- above. 

Armstrong, Alona

I have some particle size data with a class size column (called 'ps'
with 50 or 100 classes) and 198 columns with frequencies in for
different samples. I need to calculate the skewness and kurtosis for
each of the samples. I've done this for individual samples by:
summarize ps [aweight = spl1], detail 
Or perhaps more neatly:
tabstat ps [aweight = spl1], statistics( kurtosis skewness )
But, what I really need is either a dataset or a table for all 198
samples at once? I've looked at xcontract/xcollapse but these don't seem
to have a skew and kurtosis option.


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