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Re: st: suggested references about the variables to include in zero-inflated portion of zinb?

From   SR Millis <>
Subject   Re: st: suggested references about the variables to include in zero-inflated portion of zinb?
Date   Fri, 24 Oct 2008 07:23:58 -0700 (PDT)


What is your basis for assuming that your response variable (psychological distress) is a count variable?

Scott R Millis, PhD, MEd, ABPP (CN,CL,RP), CStat
Professor & Director of Research
Dept of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Wayne State University School of Medicine
261 Mack Blvd
Detroit, MI 48201
Tel: 313-993-8085
Fax: 313-966-7682

--- On Fri, 10/24/08, Tim Hale <> wrote:

> From: Tim Hale <>
> Subject: st: suggested references about the variables to include in zero-inflated portion of zinb?
> To:
> Date: Friday, October 24, 2008, 1:18 AM
> I am using zinb to estimate level of psychological distress
> (scores  
> range from 0-24) using various demographic variables and
> measures of  
> use of the Internet. I've used -countfit- to compare
> various count  
> models and the results support zinb as the best fitting
> model.
> I am uncertain, however, about how to justify the variables
> that I  
> include in the zero-inflated part of the model. I've
> read journal  
> articles that have used zinb, read the book by Freese and
> Long, and  
> searched the Internet and Statalist but I have not been
> able to find  
> any detailed recommendations or procedures. Can anyone
> suggest any  
> other sources (books or journals) that provide an
> explanation or a  
> good example of this process?
> Ideally I would like to find a good source that I can cite
> in the  
> paper -- but I appreciate any suggestions about this you
> might have.
> Thanks for you help,
> Tim
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