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Re: st: Logistic regression

From   Charles Chasela <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Logistic regression
Date   Fri, 24 Oct 2008 15:15:10 +0100

In doing a logistic regression, after storing A and B to do a Likelihood 
ratio test lrtest A B, it said there is a difference in the population in 
the two variables 884 vs 885.

Is there anything I can do to deal with the problem.

Charles Chasela

> At 01:24 PM 1/3/2008, Naomi Spence wrote:
>>Has anyone run into trouble using ICE in Stata 10?  When attempting to use 
>>the passive and substitute options, I get an error message that states 
>>"Unknown function index()".  I have followed examples and done a lot of 
>>troubleshooting, but this error message is persistent and I don't know the 
>>reason for it.  Below is an example of my syntax:
> Also, there are various incarnations of ice floating around.  There is an 
> updated version of the ice that appeared in the Stata Journal.  It is 
> called st0067_2 and is dated Dec. 5, 2005.
> However, SSC also has a version, simply called ice, and it is dated Sept 
> 14, 2007.  My guess is that this is the latest and greatest version.
> My experience is that, when there are multiple versions, the SSC version 
> tends to be the most up to date, but there are exceptions to that. 
> Unfortunately, if you have, say the st0067_2 version, adoupdate isn't 
> going to catch that there is a more current version on SSC.
> I love Stata Journal, but it is important to realize it does not always 
> have the latest versions of the programs that initially appeared in it.
> -------------------------------------------
> Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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