Dear Statalist,
I want to generate a variable with the -egen anycount- command.
let's say:
egen ttt = anycount(`vlist'), v(1)
The varlist in the argument is long and the variables have some
regularity in their names. They all of the form qX3_1 qX3_2, where X
goes from 5 to 46. Note that there are other variables with X between
1 and 4 which I do not want, so that a varlist q*3_1 q*3_2 does not
work. To create my variables list I did the following:
local vlist ""
forvalues n = 5/46 {
local vlist = "`vlist' q`n'3_1 q`n'3_2"
*then to check
di "`vlist'"
However, the display command shows that the macro stops at q23. Am I
running into a limit here? I checked help limits and the limit to
number of characters in a macro is way higher ( 1,081,511 in Stata
SE). If indeed there is a limit, can anyone point out a work around?
Thank you,
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